
  Geometric Calculators  
2D Regular Polygons: Equilateral Triangle | Square | Pentagon | Hexagon | Heptagon | Octagon | Nonagon | N-gon
Other Polygons: Triangle | Right Triangle | Isosceles Triangle | Rectangle | Rhombus | Parallelogram | Kite | Trapezoid | Pentagram | Hexagram
Round Forms: Circle | Ellipse | Circular Sector | Circular Segment | Stadium | Digon | Spherical Triangle
3D Platonic Solids: Tetrahedron | Cube | Octahedron | Dodecahedron | Icosahedron
Other Polyhedrons: Cuboid | Sq. Pyramid | Pyramid | Right Wedge | Wedge | Prism | Rhombohedron | Parallelepiped | Truncated Icosahedron
Round Forms: Sphere | Cylinder | Cone | Ellipsoid | Spherical Sector | Spherical Cap | Spherical Wedge | Torus | Capsule

Tetrahedron Calculator

Make calculations in a regular tetrahedron. Enter one value and, when needed, change the number of decimal places. Then click Calculate.

  Edge length (a): Tetrahedron
4 faces, 6 edges, 4 vertices
Faces: equilateral triangles
Height (h):
Surface area (A):
Volume (V):
Exsphere radius (re):
Midsphere radius (rm):
Insphere radius (ri):
Round to    decimal places.

h = a / 3 * √6
A = a² * √3
V = a³ / 12 *√2
re = a / 4 * √6
rm = a / 4 * √2
ri = a / 12 * √6

Edge length, height and radius have the same unit (e.g. meter), the area has this unit squared (e.g. square meter), the volume has this unit to the power of three (e.g. cubic meter).