Inverse Leibniz Triangle

Pascal's Triangle
If one takes the Pascal triangle and to the elements of
zeroeth row , multiplies 1,
1st row, multiplies 2
2nd row, multiplies 3
nth row, multiplies (n+1)

One gets the Inverse Leibniz triangle. It is so called because if one divides 1 by each element of the triangle, corresponding elements of Leibniz triangle emerge. For example, in the 1st row, the elements are inverted , we get 1/2,1/2; in the second row, we get 1/3, 1/6, 1/3 and so on so forth. The row starts with zero.            Sum of nth row S=r=nΣr=0 ( nCr ) r     = (n+1)2n

With  mth element of nth row of Pascal triangle being C(n,m), the corresponding element in Leibniz  triangle is the    1/ (n+1)C(n,m). Every entry is the sum of 2 numbers just below it. The entries thus can be computed sequentially left to right and top to bottom using subtraction in stead of addition. Thus, in 5th row 1/20 = (1/4) - (1/5) ; 1/30= (1/12) - (1/20) etc.
Beauty of Pascal's Triangle
* 1st row contains only 1s.

* 2nd row contains counting numbers.

* 3rd row contains triangular numbers.

* 4th row contains tetrahedral numbers.

* 5th row contains pentatope numbers. These are numbers which exist in 4-D space and describe the no. of vertices in a configuration of 3 dimensional tetrahedrons joined at the faces.

* sum of binomial reciprocals : Discovery of π in Pascal's triangle can be attributed to Daniel Hardisky who found out that --

π = 3 + 2/3 ( 1/C[4,3]  -1/C[6,3] + 1/C[8,3] + ........]  (infinite series)

Proof- π = 3 + 4/(2*3*4) -4/(4*5*6) + 4/(6*7*8) - .............

(each of the denominators belong to Nilakantha's series and is the area of a Pythogorean triangle)

or  π = 3 + 4/6([1*2*3/2*3*4] - [1*2*3/4*5*6] + [1*2*3/6*7*8] +..........) 

or π = 3 + 2/3 ( 1/C[4,3]  -1/C[6,3] + 1/C[8,3] + ........]

* identities between Binomial co-efficients are known as " The Star of David theorems"

* Harlan brothers recently discovered the fundamental constant e hidden in the Pascal's triangle by analyzing the products in stead of sums of all elements in a row.

* Pascal's triangle shows up in many equations and algorithms ranging from simple algebra to finite calculus.

* Newton interpolated the binomial coefficients in a recursive manner and discovered the following series--

1/0! - (1-x)/1! +1*(1-x)*(2-x) /2! - 1*(1-x)*(2-x) *(3-x) /3! +..............

*Leibniz Series given by π/4 = Σn=0 (-1)n+1    1/(2n+1) )   can be looked into as the sum of the reciprocal of binomial coefficients:  π/4 = 1-1/C(3,1) + 1/C(5,1) - 1/C(7,1) +.............

* In the same way, Nilakantha Series : π/8 = 1/ (22-1) + 1/ (62-1) + 1/ (102-1) +....... can be expressed in terms of the binomial coefficients

π/8 = 1/ (22-1) + 1/ (62-1) + 1/ (102-1) +....... = 2/(1*2*3)   + 6/(5*6*7) +10/(9*10*11) + ........

      =1/6 ( C(2,1)/C(3,3) + C(6,1)/C(7,3) +C(10,1)/C(11,3) + ..... )

or π = 4/3 ( C(2,1)/C(3,3) + C(6,1)/C(7,3) +C(10,1)/C(11,3) + ..... )