Nucleotide Sequences


Various t-RNAs


E.Coli - LYS (no. of bases -76)

gggucguuagcucagddggdagagcaguugacuuuuaaψcaauuggxcgcaggtψcgaauccugc acgacccacca

    1 2   3  4  5  6  7  8  910 1112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 343536 3738 3940414243 444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576
** ->acceptor stem ; ** ->D-stem ;** ->anti-codon stem;**->tψc stem;**->D-stem ;*->D-stem;*->acceptor base near cca ;*->cca arm (4 stems)
**->D-loop;******* ->anti-codon loop; *->variable loop; **-->tψc loop ;  (Total 4 loops )
a=17; g=20 ; u=14; c=18; t=1; total-70   cg ratio -> 0.5 (38/76)
ψ=2; d=3; x=1                          total-06 (ψ:Pseudouridine, like u pairs with a )(d:dihydrouridine is found is D-loop)
G in anti-codon can pair with C & U. I can pair with C,A,U. Bases in RNA not necessarily obey Chargaff's rule i.e. A need not equal U/T or G need not equal C.


E.Coli - Arg (no. of bases -77)

P-gcauccguagcucagcdggadagaguacucggcuicgaaccgagcggncggaggtψcgaauccucc cggaugcacca -OH

   1 2   3  4  5  6  7  8  910 111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334 3536373839 4041424344 454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677
** ->acceptor stem ; ** ->D-stem ;** ->anti-codon stem;**->tψc stem;**->D-stem ;*->D-stem;*->acceptor base near cca ;*->cca arm (4 stems)
**->D-loop;******* ->anti-codon loop; *->variable loop; **-->tψc loop ;  (Total 4 loops )
a=16; g=23 ; u=9; c=23; t=1; total-72   cg ratio -> 0.61 (46/76)
ψ=1; d=2; i=1,n=1                 total-05 (ψ:Pseudouridine, like u pairs with a )(d:dihydrouridine is found is D-loop)
G in anti-codon can pair with C & U. I can pair with C,A,U.


E.Coli - GluI (no. of bases -76)

guccccuucgucψagaggcccaggacaccgcccuuucacggcgguaacaggggtψcgaauccccu gggggacgcca

   1 2   3  4  5  6  7  8910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334 353637 3839 4041424344 4546474849505152535456575859606061626364656667686970717273747576
** ->acceptor stem ; ** ->D-stem ;** ->anti-codon stem;**->tψc stem;**->D-stem ;*->D-stem;*->acceptor base near cca ;*->cca arm (4 stems)
**->D-loop;******* ->anti-codon loop; *->variable loop; **-->tψc loop ;  (Total 4 loops )
a=17; g=20 ; u=14; c=18; t=1; total-70   cg ratio -> 0.5 (38/76)
ψ=2; d=3; x=1                          total-06 (ψ:Pseudouridine, like u pairs with a )(d:dihydrouridine is found is D-loop)
G in anti-codon can pair with C & U. I can pair with C,A,U.

E.Coli - SER (no. of bases -93)

ggugagguggccgagaggcuhgaaggcgcuccccugcuaagggaguggxccggggtψcgaauccccg ccucaccgcca

1 2 34 567  891011121415161718192021222324252627282930313233 343536 3738 3940414243 444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576
** ->acceptor stem ; ** ->D-stem ;** ->anti-codon stem;**->tψc stem;**->D-stem ;*->D-stem;*->acceptor base near cca ;*->cca arm (4 stems)
**->D-loop;******* ->anti-codon loop; *->variable loop; **-->tψc loop ;  (Total 4 loops )
a=17; g=20 ; u=14; c=18; t=1; total-70   cg ratio -> 0.5 (38/76)
ψ=2; d=3; x=1                          total-06 (ψ:Pseudouridine, like u pairs with a )(d:dihydrouridine is found is D-loop)
G in anti-codon can pair with C & U. I can pair with C,A,U.